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- UniSA research
- Down the rabbit hole
Below, UniSA researchers talk about artificial intelligence and its relationship with humanity.
Professor George Siemens
Professor George Siemens is Director of the Centre for Change and Complexity in Learning at UniSA Education Futures, where he researches networks, analytics, and human and artificial cognition in education.
Dr Eric Hsu
Dr Eric Hsu is a Lecturer in Sociology at UniSA Justice & Society, and Research Platform Leader at the Hawke EU Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence, where he researches the sociology of sleep, the social theory of time, the sociology of disasters, and the social study of robotic technologies.
- What happens when our computers get smarter than we are? – Nick Bostrom (TED talk)
- Can we build AI without losing control over it? – Sam Harris (TED talk)
- Professor George Siemens Researcher
- Dr Eric Hsu Researcher
- Lightbulb Digital Development of online interactive
- Daniel Kopeikin Intern