Looking to play our interactives? We’ve made them available for you below. Enjoy!
Point Of Impact
Can you balance risk and reward to avoid the end of the world?
An artificial superintelligence sure comes in handy when tackling the world’s climate crisis.
But as lead programmer at green tech startup, GreenMind, how you develop it is up to you.
Good luck balancing the rewards of solving climate change with the existential risks that come with creating an artificial superintelligence. You’re gonna need it.
How do you keep the things that live in and on you happy?
Congratulations, you are a superorganism! An ecosystem exists inside your body, which is home to billions of microscopic organisms living on you and in you. Also known as your microbiome, lots of these bacteria are friendly. They play a huge role in our health. They influence our minds and bodies in all sorts of ways, most of which we still do not fully understand.
Welcome to Symbiosville.
Octopus Estate
What's under the surface?
Deep in the ocean, there is an octopus lurking. A shark approaches. Will your octopus try to eat the shark? Or flee? Its life is in your hands now. Care for an octopus and help it to thrive. But stay on your toes, it’s an octopus-eat-octopus world out there, and you might not guess who’s a threat.
Sleep Ops
How might sleep be a tool for peace?
We don’t really know why we sleep, but a lack of it can greatly affect our ability to make good decisions.
When sleep deprivation occurs in military operations and other around-the-clock, safety-critical settings, it can have disastrous outcomes.
How happy are we?
How are we feeling? How can we tell? With so much of human communication taking place on social media, it seems a pretty good place to start. The Hedonometer measures our happiness based on one of these platforms: Twitter.
In 2013, Computational Story Lab, an international group of mathematicians and computer scientists, collaborated to create the Hedonometer. The Hedonometer measures happiness based on tweets published. It looks at the words that people write… and then it basically calculates a temperature for all of those words.
Bad News Game
Can you be vaccinated against fake news?
Netherlands-based media group DROG produced this browser game for us a few years back, but it is still deeply relevant.
While we trust that you don’t currently live in a fort made up of toilet paper and canned soup and you probably know better, you may as well take a course of Bad News Game just in case. Lucky for you it’s quick, painless, and you may even enjoy it.
It's My Pleasure
Can algorithms really know you?
Have you ever wondered how the algorithms on streaming services work?
When we look for a film to watch on Netflix or Stan, we are not presented with an open list of all the films and TV shows available. Instead, we see a curated set of recommendations. These recommendations are built from an algorithm called the recommendation engine. This engine combines our previous choices with the choices of people like us to create a shortcut to our own personal pleasure.
What is the impact of this? Are we missing out when the engine makes decisions on our behalf? Or is hyper-personalisation the way to go?
Time Travel to 2050
The year is 2050. In southern Australia there is a plot of land known as Eucalara.
Eucalara is already feeling the impact of climate change. Climate refugees started arriving decades ago, invasive species are on the move, and water is an increasingly precious resource. Amongst all this are seven siblings. The siblings have inherited this land from their great-grandmother, but can’t agree on what should be done with the land. They each have a different idea for what qualifies a good life and a good future.
Meet the siblings and help to shape the future of Eucalara through the choices that you make. SEVEN SIBLINGS FROM THE FUTURE asks what sort of future we want for South Australia. We consider the way that our personal values shape our decisions. How do these choices affect our community?
Adapted from its original showing at the Heureka Science Centre in Helsinki, MOD. is stepping into 2050.