Café Sci: Healthy Tech, Healthy Humans
Limited Places
12:30 pm 1:00 pm
25 Nov 2021
Café Sci: Healthy Tech, Healthy Humans
Turn on and tune in. Whatever your cup of tea, be it augmented, virtual or holographic, alternate realities and novel technologies might hold the key to improved health.
Join our two speakers to find out how tech impacts our lives, for good or ill.
Assoc. Prof. Kristin Carson-Chahhoud , UniSA Allied Health & Human Performance, focuses on the application of novel technologies such as augmented reality, holographic technology, and virtual reality to improve health outcomes.
Professor Ian Gwilt, UniSA Creative, is passionate about visual communication design in the context of healthcare and wellbeing, especially around shaping the experience of public spaces.
Facilitated by Dr Lisa Bailey, Senior Exhibitions Manager, MOD.
Want more? Join a moderator-led tour of our exhibition IT’S COMPLICATED at 1:15 pm.
Free entry.
Ticket details