Pop-Up Talks with Sutu
Sutu talks about his curated augmented reality exhibit 'Prosthetic Reality'

12:00 pm 12:20 pm
22 Jun 2018
Lecture Gallery
Award-winning Sutu (aka Stuart Campbell) invites you to join him in his pop-up talk about his art and how he uses innovative technology for digital story-telling. He will walk you through his curated MOD. exhibition Prosthetic Reality, featuring augmented reality artworks of 45 artists from around the world.
Prosthetic Reality captures the first wave artists, animators and sound designers exploring the intersection of technology and art through AR. The exhibition has been described by VICE as “the most ambitious AR art project” to date, and was winner of the 2017 Auggie Award for ‘Best in Show’.
Sutu will also discuss his co-founded, highly innovative Eyejack app, one of the worlds first dedicated app to view augmented reality.
No need to book! Just drop in to MOD. and Sutu’s talk is on the ground level in the Lecture Gallery.
Sutu will also be doing this pop-up talk at 5.30pm in Lecture Gallery on the same day!
Check out more of his work on his website here.