Q: What are the consequences when you are invisible to the system?

Limited Places
12:30 pm 1:00 pm
28 Jul 2022
MOD. Open Lab
Q: What are the consequences when you are invisible to the system?
Join our three speakers as we unpack the blind spots in many systems from child protection to mental health and medical research.
Kelly Ryan is a PhD Candidate in child protection law, unpacking the legal rights, risks, and responsibilities of foster carers to improve the lives of children in care. Kelly won the UniSA Image of Research for 2020, her image, Ring a Ring o’ Roses is currently being displayed in our exhibition along the corridor on level 1, along with other photographs from this series.
Mark Loughhead is the inaugural lecturer of lived experience in mental health at UniSA. His work aims to promote the values of consumer perspective and experience, recovery and person centred care. He also seeks to promote lived experience inclusion and leadership in research projects, encouraging recognition and growth of the contribution that lived experience offers, as well as the growth of the peer workforce.
Pallave Dasari is a research development coordinator at Adelaide Uni. Pallave’s research interest is understanding the immune system in healthy human breast and the immunological underpinnings of breast cancer risk in women. She is interested in how the biology of the healthy human breast can create conditions for the development of breast cancer. Pallave has have a strong research background in immunology, cancer and infectious diseases with particular interest in translation and application of basic medical research for societal outcomes.
Facilitated by Dr Lisa Bailey, Senior Exhibitions Manager, MOD.
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