15 Feb - 15 Mar 2019
Come one, come all! Grab your pals and drop into MOD. to join us for ARE YOU GAME? our exclusive Adelaide Fringe event!
Play iOS games, board games and a special weekly game, whilst local DJ’s spin out some 🔥 tunes and Food Lore serve up delicious food and drink specials 🙌
🎲 15TH FEB 🎲 – Giant Games
(w/ music by Joe Leisure of Groundfloor Radio)
💣 22ND FEB 💣 – Life Size Mine Sweeper
(w/ music by Nan)
♟ 1ST MAR ♟ – Paco Ŝako Tournament
(w/ music by Dan Vers)
🔍 8TH MAR 🔍 – Scavenger Hunt for Peace
(w/ music by Funky Dunks)
❓15TH MAR ❓– Give Quiz a Chance (Quiz Night)
(w/ music by Fantastic Black Plastic)
See more information here on Facebook.