Experience Machine School Project

21 Jan - 1 Apr 2019
MOD. is committed to fostering the participation of young people in each of our exhibitions. As part of our third exhibition, HEDONISM (opening May 2019), we are inviting secondary school students to contribute to the content of this exhibition by creating either visual designs or artefacts for display in our gallery spaces, which answer the question:
If hedonism is the pursuit of pleasure – does it matter if the experience that produces it is real or virtual? If we could build machines that could give us endless pleasure, would you want to use one?
Schools and/or individual students are invited to design an experience machine in response to this. Rather than being a competition, the project enables creative contributions from schools, educators and students to be featured within the exhibition.
In doing so, we are inviting you to contribute to a series of speculative pleasure providing products or experiences that you might find in a carnival arcade of the near-future and invite visitors to consider whether they would like to try one.
Your design outcome can be developed for 2D display including print, film, digital, or poster. Some questions that might provoke your thinking around this include:
- How would people will use this experience machine?
- Can we design the perfect pleasure simulation?
How to get started
Please find all of the information for this project in the Teacher Information Pack and register your participation below.
Q: Is this project available to primary school students?
Unfortunately, it is only open to classes from year 7 – 12. However, you are welcome to use these resources in your own classrooms.
Q: Is there any limit on the number of teams or students who can participate?
No. A school can register for one student or many students / classes. Participants don’t have to come from one subject area, they can be cross-disciplinary and may even be an extra-curricular group or club.
Q: What does an experience machine include?
Your imagination is the limit, as long as it is presentable in a flat 2D way. This might include sketches, technical drawings, collages, painting, comic, illustration etc. The artwork specs must be TIFF at 300dpi, A0 size (841 x 1189 mm) in landscape or portrait format.
If you are considering digital we can accept this format too such as a video, short film, projection. We have projectors and digital screens that may be able to be utilised. If you are looking at film, digital work or animation – 30 or 60 sec of video footage or animation 1920 x 1080 resolution using H.264 codec.
NB: MOD. is responsible for printing and making it gallery ready.
Q. Do I need to register to participate?
Yes, it is essential that you register as we need to be able to get in touch with you with updates. However, by registering you are under no obligation to submit anything.
For more information, contact Natalie at mod@unisa.edu.au