In Conversation with the Creators

6:00 pm 7:00 pm
28 Oct 2021
Dynamic Interconnectedness.
Actually, it’s complex.
Problems in complex systems are tricky to solve. Even well-thought out solutions can have unexpected and unintended consequences.
It’s complicated is an online and real-life exhibition at MOD. that pulls back the curtain on the seemingly simple and reveals just how complicated, and complex, the world can be.
Join us in Conversation with UniSA MOD. Director Dr Kristin Alford and Curator of It’s Complicated Dr Dylan DeLosAngeles to talk about everything complicated.
Partners: MOD UniSA
The Conscious Cities Festival (CCF) is a series of catalyst events run in cities around the world to address the consciousness of cities and urban design and its relation to human identity. This year Adelaide’s Conscious Cities Festival is co-hosted by the Global Shapers Adelaide Hub, and Urban Mind Studio. This partnership aims to bring a youth lens to Adelaide and the impact of this city’s design on the young people who work, study, play or reside here. CCF is an initiative of the Centre for Conscious Design, simultaneously running around the world from October 24th – 30th 2021.