Space To Dream

23 Oct - 17 Nov 2020
Ground Level and Level 1, MOD.
Over the coming weeks, MOD. is showcasing some of the creative, useful, and downright cool designs from the Space to Dream digital challenge.
An initiative of the Commissioner for Children and Young People, Space to Dream encourages anyone under 18 to design a toy or gadget for someone their age who is moving to Mars.
The designs have been created using free 3D design tools from Makers Empire or simply with pen and paper. From space toilets and astro-comforters to Moon bikes and flower makers, the challenge shows that digital skills are life skills that are critical to future jobs, social inclusion and a more equitable world.
Come to MOD. to see what you might need if you move to Mars.
Our galleries are temporarily closed to protect the health and safety of our visitors in line with recommendations for managing the spread of COVID-19 in SA.
What’s next? Well… It’s Complicated. But rest assured, we’ll be re-opening with an exciting NEW exhibition in early Feb, 2021.
For further news and updates please continue to tune into our social media channels and visit our website.
We look forward to welcoming you back soon!
Ticket details
You can also explore our exhibition SEVEN SIBLINGS FROM THE FUTURE while you are at MOD.