This 2D animation tells the story of Tarnta, The Big Red Kangaroo and his journey from Tartanyangga (Victoria Square) until the meeting place in the Adelaide Festival Centre where he will initiate the men’s ceremony. This animation is inspired by traditional Aboriginal art and uses the techniques and changes it to a style suited for animation.

Artist, Jaydenlee Tong:

Is an emerging digital artist working primarily in 2D animation and moving image. Born in Adelaide, South Australia, Jayden is a Kaurna and Narungga man. As well as his Aboriginal family connections, Jayden is also of Chinese and European descent. Coming from a diverse and rich background, Jayden is able to draw on these perspectives which continue to inspire his artistic endeavours and exploration with digital mediums.


Commissioned by MOD.

Jaydenlee Tong – Design and Animation

Special Thanks to ANAT and Illuminate Adelaide, New Light 2022